Repurposing content
Sep 15, 2020
Let’s stop the pressure of constant content creation. If you are not a paid content creator, then this can feel like a huge pressure on your business's sustainability.
I thought I would break down how to repurpose content. I feel like everyone talks about it, and you hear about it. But no one says THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.
This one is too easy to do. And I will let you in on a secret. I will take a caption, tweak it slightly and then repost it with a new picture. GASP. Guess what? It usually performs really well.
I recently did this with a post that was about 9 months old, and it got double the reach the second time I posted it. Not a single person said, “Hey Tori I saw this in your feed about 9 months ago.”
That’s because if you create valuable content that speaks to your audience, you can repurpose it over and over again.
Tweak it, add any nuggets of wisdom, switch the photo and hashtags. BOOM. New content.
How long have you been in business now? If you are pushing past the 3 mark, congratulations!! I want to highlight the enormous amount of content you would have produced over the last 3 years. But if you are even a new business, there is definitely content that can be repurposed. Just ensure it is evergreen content that is timeless!
Here is the thing, the people on your email list, Instagram following, and website traffic are not the same people. And if they are and you are creating valuable content, then it is unlikely they will notice you have repurposed a blog post.
Different ways to repurpose a blog post?
Each of these subheadings could be its own stand-alone post around repurposing content
Utilise some of the content from a blog for your e-newsletter
Share snippets from the blog or the whole thing to a Facebook group (in the HUB for Rural Women we often ask you to post your latest blog!)
Cross-promote, see if there is someone that could republish your blog and it is mutually beneficial
Podcast, if you are a podcaster you can 100% create a podcast around a blog. I do it often on the Big Ideas Rural podcast.
There is a lot of pressure in the online space to be creating all the time. But really take a minute to look at what you have already got existing in your business and think about what you can tweak.
One of my favourite things to do is to help clients identify existing material to utilise as an opt-in or lead magnet.
A lead magnet is where you have a piece of content that is behind a contact form. So your audience has to give you their email in order to access the content. This a fantastic way to build your list, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself about what this content is.
Look at some of the resources or tools you have created for your clients. Is there something in there that you can put out to a public forum behind a contact form? And if you are a product-based business this might be a bit more challenging, but look at everything you have created and see if you can identify something to repurpose!
Your FAQ page is a treasure trove of content. Literally, all of your questions answered.
One of the first things I recommend you do is create a FAQ highlight on Instagram, that way anyone stalking your Instagram will be able to see answers to questions they might have!
You can also utilise your FAQ page in a series of posts on socials. Immediate content! Remember the people on your socials haven’t necessarily taken that next step to visiting your webpage.
I hope this helps you in terms of thinking outside the box about the content you have created! There is so much opportunity already inside your business, just let go of any preconceived ideas that you can’t repurpose content.
Honestly, no one is going to notice. I am going to leave you with this quote by Mark Twain.
“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”
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